History of tag 09ZN
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changed the statement
2014-03-17 |
988c66e |
Stein factorization for morphisms of algebraic spaces
Actually, the proof of the (general) schemes case had a slight snafu
which we fix in this commit as well. Moreover, it actually is more
efficient the way we do things now, at the cost of adding some more
results on limits of schemes. It seems you can never have enoug of
these types of results; to me it seems results arguments with limits
of schemes are like the epsilon-delta arguments in analysis.
assigned tag 09ZN
2014-01-31 |
Tags: Added new tags
created statement with label lemma-eventually-finite in limits.tex
2014-01-30 |
07300d5 |
Standardize the proof of general Stein factorization
The proof as given before was too tricked. Now we prove it by just
relying on very standard results on limits of schemes, thereby reducing
more directly to the Noetherian case. No tricks!