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32 Limits of Schemes
Section 32.1: Introduction
Section 32.2: Directed limits of schemes with affine transition maps
Section 32.3: Infinite products
Section 32.4: Descending properties
Section 32.5: Absolute Noetherian Approximation
Section 32.6: Limits and morphisms of finite presentation
Section 32.7: Relative approximation
Section 32.8: Descending properties of morphisms
Section 32.9: Finite type closed in finite presentation
Section 32.10: Descending relative objects
Section 32.11: Characterizing affine schemes
Section 32.12: Variants of Chow's Lemma
Section 32.13: Applications of Chow's lemma
Section 32.14: Universally closed morphisms
Section 32.15: Noetherian valuative criterion
Section 32.16: Refined Noetherian valuative criteria
Section 32.17: Valuative criteria over a Nagata base
Section 32.18: Limits and dimensions of fibres
Section 32.19: Base change in top degree
Section 32.20: Glueing in closed fibres
Section 32.21: Application to modifications
Section 32.22: Descending finite type schemes