Lemma 32.13.4. Let S be a scheme. Let X = \mathop{\mathrm{lim}}\nolimits X_ i be a directed limit of schemes over S with affine transition morphisms. Let Y \to X be a morphism of schemes over S. If Y \to X is proper, X_ i quasi-compact and quasi-separated, and Y locally of finite type over S, then Y \to X_ i is proper for i large enough.
Proof. Choose a closed immersion Y \to Y' with Y' proper and of finite presentation over X, see Lemma 32.13.2. Then choose an i and a proper morphism Y'_ i \to X_ i such that Y' = X \times _{X_ i} Y'_ i. This is possible by Lemmas 32.10.1 and 32.13.1. Then after replacing i by a larger index we have that Y \to Y'_ i is a closed immersion, see Lemma 32.4.16. \square
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