Lemma 5.8.16. Let X be a topological space. There is a canonical continuous map
c : X \longrightarrow X'
from X to a sober topological space X' which is universal among continuous maps from X to sober topological spaces. Moreover, the assignment U' \mapsto c^{-1}(U') is a bijection between opens of X' and X which commutes with finite intersections and arbitrary unions. The image c(X) is a Kolmogorov topological space and the map c : X \to c(X) is universal for maps of X into Kolmogorov spaces.
Let X' be the set of irreducible closed subsets of X and let
c : X \to X', \quad x \mapsto \overline{\{ x\} }.
For U \subset X open, let U' \subset X' denote the set of irreducible closed subsets of X which meet U. Then c^{-1}(U') = U. In particular, if U_1 \not= U_2 are open in X, then U'_1 \not= U_2'. Hence c induces a bijection between the subsets of X' of the form U' and the opens of X.
Let U_1, U_2 be open in X. Suppose that Z \in U'_1 and Z \in U'_2. Then Z \cap U_1 and Z \cap U_2 are nonempty open subsets of the irreducible space Z and hence Z \cap U_1 \cap U_2 is nonempty. Thus (U_1 \cap U_2)' = U'_1 \cap U'_2. The rule U \mapsto U' is also compatible with arbitrary unions (details omitted). Thus it is clear that the collection of U' form a topology on X' and that we have a bijection as stated in the lemma.
Next we show that X' is sober. Let T \subset X' be an irreducible closed subset. Let U \subset X be the open such that X' \setminus T = U'. Then Z = X \setminus U is irreducible because of the properties of the bijection of the lemma. We claim that Z \in T is the unique generic point. Namely, any open of the form V' \subset X' which does not contain Z must come from an open V \subset X which misses Z, i.e., is contained in U.
Finally, we check the universal property. Let f : X \to Y be a continuous map to a sober topological space. Then we let f' : X' \to Y be the map which sends the irreducible closed Z \subset X to the unique generic point of \overline{f(Z)}. It follows immediately that f' \circ c = f as maps of sets, and the properties of c imply that f' is continuous. We omit the verification that the continuous map f' is unique. We also omit the proof of the statements on Kolmogorov spaces.
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