History of tag 0ATS
Go back to the tag's page.
type |
time |
link |
changed the statement
2019-04-12 |
1310796 |
Rf_! is a pseudo-functor
TODO: show that the base change isomorphism is compatible with
everything we've said so far.
moved the statement to file duality.tex
2017-06-06 |
a866f45 |
Three new chapters
Titles: "Duality for Schemes", "Discriminants", "Local Cohomology"
changed the statement
2015-04-02 |
6b240e8 |
The notation "twisted inverse image" was used for the wrong functor
Now our terminology agrees with the one from Lipman's notes
Thanks to Alice Rizzardo for pointing this out
assigned tag 0ATS
2014-12-12 |
Tags: Added new tags
changed the statement
2014-12-12 |
4e4f047 |
Small changes to dualizing.tex and perfect.tex
Move a lemma and improve statement as well as introduce a new section
created statement with label remark-going-around in dualizing.tex
2014-12-10 |
4f6cc50 |
Verify upper shriek functors give pseudo functor
This is really not bad at all, but of course it looks kinda bad because
we try to really give the details...