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Lemma 47.17.5. Let (A, \mathfrak m, \kappa ) be a Noetherian local ring with normalized dualizing complex \omega _ A^\bullet . Let d = \dim (A) and \omega _ A = H^{-d}(\omega _ A^\bullet ). Then

  1. the support of \omega _ A is the union of the irreducible components of \mathop{\mathrm{Spec}}(A) of dimension d,

  2. \omega _ A satisfies (S_2), see Algebra, Definition 10.157.1.

Proof. We will use Lemma 47.16.5 without further mention. By Lemma 47.16.11 the support of \omega _ A contains the irreducible components of dimension d. Let \mathfrak p \subset A be a prime. By Lemma 47.17.3 the complex (\omega _ A^\bullet )_{\mathfrak p}[-\dim (A/\mathfrak p)] is a normalized dualizing complex for A_\mathfrak p. Hence if \dim (A/\mathfrak p) + \dim (A_\mathfrak p) < d, then (\omega _ A)_\mathfrak p = 0. This proves the support of \omega _ A is the union of the irreducible components of dimension d, because the complement of this union is exactly the primes \mathfrak p of A for which \dim (A/\mathfrak p) + \dim (A_\mathfrak p) < d as A is catenary (Lemma 47.17.4). On the other hand, if \dim (A/\mathfrak p) + \dim (A_\mathfrak p) = d, then

(\omega _ A)_\mathfrak p = H^{-\dim (A_\mathfrak p)}\left( (\omega _ A^\bullet )_{\mathfrak p}[-\dim (A/\mathfrak p)] \right)

Hence in order to prove \omega _ A has (S_2) it suffices to show that the depth of \omega _ A is at least \min (\dim (A), 2). We prove this by induction on \dim (A). The case \dim (A) = 0 is trivial.

Assume \text{depth}(A) > 0. Choose a nonzerodivisor f \in \mathfrak m and set B = A/fA. Then \dim (B) = \dim (A) - 1 and we may apply the induction hypothesis to B. By Lemma 47.16.10 we see that multiplication by f is injective on \omega _ A and we get \omega _ A/f\omega _ A \subset \omega _ B. This proves the depth of \omega _ A is at least 1. If \dim (A) > 1, then \dim (B) > 0 and \omega _ B has depth > 0. Hence \omega _ A has depth > 1 and we conclude in this case.

Assume \dim (A) > 0 and \text{depth}(A) = 0. Let I = A[\mathfrak m^\infty ] and set B = A/I. Then B has depth \geq 1 and \omega _ A = \omega _ B by Lemma 47.16.9. Since we proved the result for \omega _ B above the proof is done. \square

Comments (3)

Comment #3402 by Manoj Kummini on

In the last line of the proof, should one use Lemma 0A7R or 0A7S?

Comment #3403 by Manoj Kummini on

In the last line of the proof, should one use Lemma 0A7R or 0A7S?

Comment #3465 by on

Yes, we should use the latter of the two. Thanks! Fixed here.

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