Lemma 43.17.2. Let X be a nonsingular variety. Let r, s \geq 0 and let Y, Z \subset X be closed subschemes with \dim (Y) \leq r and \dim (Z) \leq s. Assume [Y]_ r = \sum n_ i[Y_ i] and [Z]_ s = \sum m_ j[Z_ j] intersect properly. Let T be an irreducible component of Y_{i_0} \cap Z_{j_0} for some i_0 and j_0 and assume that the multiplicity (in the sense of Section 43.4) of T in the closed subscheme Y \cap Z is 1. Then
the coefficient of T in [Y]_ r \cdot [Z]_ s is 1,
Y and Z are nonsingular at the generic point of T,
n_{i_0} = 1, m_{j_0} = 1, and
T is not contained in Y_ i or Z_ j for i \not= i_0 and j \not= j_0.
Set n = \dim (X), a = n - r, b = n - s. Observe that \dim (T) = r + s - n = n - a - b by the assumption that the intersections are proper. Let (A, \mathfrak m, \kappa ) = (\mathcal{O}_{X, \xi }, \mathfrak m_\xi , \kappa (\xi )) where \xi \in T is the generic point. Then \dim (A) = a + b, see Varieties, Lemma 33.20.3. Let I_0, I, J_0, J \subset A cut out the trace of Y_{i_0}, Y, Z_{j_0}, Z in \mathop{\mathrm{Spec}}(A). Then \dim (A/I) = \dim (A/I_0) = b and \dim (A/J) = \dim (A/J_0) = a by the same reference. Set \overline{I} = I + \mathfrak m^2/\mathfrak m^2. Then I \subset I_0 \subset \mathfrak m and J \subset J_0 \subset \mathfrak m and I + J = \mathfrak m. By Lemma 43.14.3 and its proof we see that I_0 = (f_1, \ldots , f_ a) and J_0 = (g_1, \ldots , g_ b) where f_1, \ldots , g_ b is a regular system of parameters for the regular local ring A. Since I + J = \mathfrak m, the map
I \oplus J \to \mathfrak m/\mathfrak m^2 = \kappa f_1 \oplus \ldots \oplus \kappa f_ a \oplus \kappa g_1 \oplus \ldots \oplus \kappa g_ b
is surjective. We conclude that we can find f_1', \ldots , f_ a' \in I and g'_1, \ldots , g_ b' \in J whose residue classes in \mathfrak m/\mathfrak m^2 are equal to the residue classes of f_1, \ldots , f_ a and g_1, \ldots , g_ b. Then f'_1, \ldots , g'_ b is a regular system of parameters of A. By Algebra, Lemma 10.106.3 we find that A/(f'_1, \ldots , f'_ a) is a regular local ring of dimension b. Thus any nontrivial quotient of A/(f'_1, \ldots , f'_ a) has strictly smaller dimension (Algebra, Lemmas 10.106.2 and 10.60.13). Hence I = (f'_1, \ldots , f'_ a) = I_0. By symmetry J = J_0. This proves (2), (3), and (4). Finally, the coefficient of T in [Y]_ r \cdot [Z]_ s is the coefficient of T in Y_{i_0} \cdot Z_{j_0} which is 1 by Lemma 43.14.3.
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