Example 15.91.22. Let A be a ring and let I \subset A be a finitely generated ideal. Let K^\bullet be a complex of A-modules. We can apply Lemma 15.91.21 with F^ pK^\bullet = \tau _{\leq -p}K^\bullet . Then we get a bounded spectral sequence
converging to H^{p + q}((K^\bullet )^\wedge ). After renumbering p = -j and q = i + 2j we find that for any K \in D(A) there is a bounded spectral sequence (E'_ r, d'_ r)_{r \geq 2} of bigraded derived complete modules with d'_ r of bidegree (r, -r + 1), with
and converging to H^{i + j}(K^\wedge ).
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