Lemma 95.6.1. The functor
defines a stack over (\mathit{Sch}/S)_{fppf}.
We define a category \textit{FÉt} as follows:
An object of \textit{FÉt} is a finite étale morphism Y \to X of schemes (by our conventions this means a finite étale morphism in (\mathit{Sch}/S)_{fppf}),
A morphism (b, a) : (Y \to X) \to (Y' \to X') of \textit{FÉt} is a commutative diagram
in the category of schemes.
Thus \textit{FÉt} is a category and
is a functor. Note that the fibre category of \textit{FÉt} over a scheme X is just the category \textit{FÉt}_ X studied in Fundamental Groups, Section 58.5.
Lemma 95.6.1. The functor
defines a stack over (\mathit{Sch}/S)_{fppf}.
Proof. Fppf descent for finite étale morphisms follows from Descent, Lemmas 35.37.1, 35.23.23, and 35.23.29. Details omitted. \square
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