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Lemma 15.90.6. Let R be a ring, let f \in R, and let R \to R' be a ring map which induces isomorphisms R/f^ nR \to R'/f^ nR' for n > 0. The sequence ( is

  1. exact on the right,

  2. exact on the left if and only if R[f^\infty ] \to R'[f^\infty ] is injective, and

  3. exact in the middle if and only if R[f^\infty ] \to R'[f^\infty ] is surjective.

In particular, (R \to R', f) is a glueing pair if and only if R[f^\infty ] \to R'[f^\infty ] is bijective. For example, (R, f) is a glueing pair if and only if R[f^\infty ] \to R^\wedge [f^\infty ] is bijective.

Proof. Let x \in R'_ f. Write x = x'/f^ n with x' \in R'. Write x' = x'' + f^ n y with x'' \in R and y \in R'. Then we see that (y, -x''/f^ n) maps to x. Thus (1) holds.

Part (2) follows from the fact that \mathop{\mathrm{Ker}}(R \to R_ f) = R[f^\infty ].

If the sequence is exact in the middle, then elements of the form (x, 0) with x \in R'[f^\infty ] are in the image of the first arrow. This implies that R[f^\infty ] \to R'[f^\infty ] is surjective. Conversely, assume that R[f^\infty ] \to R'[f^\infty ] is surjective. Let (x, y) be an element in the middle which maps to zero on the right. Write y = y'/f^ n for some y' \in R. Then we see that f^ n x - y' is annihilated by some power of f in R'. By assumption we can write f^ nx - y' = z for some z \in R[f^\infty ]. Then y = y''/f^ n where y'' = y' + z is in the kernel of R \to R/f^ nR. Hence we see that y can be represented as y'''/1 for some y''' \in R. Then x - y''' is in R'[f^\infty ]. Thus x - y''' = z' \in R[f^\infty ]. Then (x, y'''/1) = (y''' + z', (y''' + z')/1) as desired.

The last statement of the lemma is a special case of the penultimate statement by Lemma 15.90.1. \square

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