History of tag 0BSW
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changed the proof
2022-01-23 |
9cee969 |
Try to use L/K notation for field extensions
We could also try to consistenly use "field extension" and not just
"extension" and consistently use "ring extension", etc.
assigned tag 0BSW
2015-09-09 |
Tags: Added new tags
changed the proof
2015-09-09 |
8c65005 |
Get D and I related to A^h and A^{sh} in general
Straighforward but annoying (as everything to do with henselization)
changed the proof
2015-09-08 |
78aaaac |
Fill in proof left open in previous commit
created statement with label lemma-identify-inertia in pione.tex
2015-09-07 |
e0428a9 |
Inertia and henselization