History of tag 0BVF
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moved the statement to file discriminant.tex
2017-06-06 |
a866f45 |
Three new chapters
Titles: "Duality for Schemes", "Discriminants", "Local Cohomology"
assigned tag 0BVF
2016-02-02 |
Tags: Added new tags
changed the label to lemma-dualizing-base-change-of-flat
2015-12-30 |
398ea68 |
Improvements in dualizing.tex
Better handling duality finite morphism
Better handling dualizing module of quasi-finite
changed the statement and the proof
2015-12-30 |
398ea68 |
Improvements in dualizing.tex
Better handling duality finite morphism
Better handling dualizing module of quasi-finite
changed the statement
2015-12-14 |
226ee97 |
A bit more clarity about \omega_{B/A}
For A ---> B quasi-finite map of Noetherian rings
assigned tag 0BVF
2015-09-23 |
Tags: Added new tags
created statement with label lemma-dualizing-base-change in dualizing.tex
2015-09-23 |
f6895bb |
Traces for quasi-finite ring maps
Section is not yet complete. The section on different ideals is just an