History of tag 0BWF
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changed the statement
2019-09-12 |
a454b93 |
The Tate map
Found a way to prove a global isomorphism
det(L_{Y/X}) ---> omega_{Y/X}
for lqf lci morphisms of locally Noetherian schemes where in the proof
you NEVER have to change coordinates. The key is to find suitable versal
deformations and realize that the isomorphism is clearly unique for
etale morphisms... The idea for this comes from the paper by Garel cited
in the section.
changed the proof
2017-06-06 |
a785e92 |
Rearrange material in discriminant
moved the statement to file discriminant.tex
2017-06-06 |
a866f45 |
Three new chapters
Titles: "Duality for Schemes", "Discriminants", "Local Cohomology"
changed the proof
2016-02-19 |
8c29c3c |
Section on lci and Gorenstein qf maps
assigned tag 0BWF
2016-02-02 |
Tags: Added new tags
created statement with label lemma-dualizing-syntomic-quasi-finite in dualizing.tex
2016-02-02 |
b31eb1c |
Calculation of different in qf lci case