Remark 54.16.6. Let b : X \to X' be the contraction of an exceptional curve of the first kind E \subset X. From Lemma 54.16.5 we obtain an identification
where \mathcal{L} corresponds to the pair (\mathcal{L}', n) if and only if \mathcal{L} = (b^*\mathcal{L}')(-nE), i.e., \mathcal{L}(nE) = b^*\mathcal{L}'. In fact the proof of Lemma 54.16.5 shows that \mathcal{L}' = b_*\mathcal{L}(nE). Of course the assignment \mathcal{L} \mapsto \mathcal{L}' is a group homomorphism.
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