History of tag 0CDC
Go back to the tag's page.
type |
time |
link |
changed the statement
2021-04-30 |
3f4b16b |
y becomes x
Thanks to Morten
changed the statement
2017-04-13 |
07051d7 |
Fix typo in models
Thanks to Bronson Lim
changed the statement
2016-08-31 |
14741d6 |
Corrected typos in dualizing.tex guide.tex homology.tex intersection.tex limits.tex models.tex modules.tex more-groupoids.tex pic.tex
assigned tag 0CDC
2016-05-26 |
Tags: Added new tags
changed the statement
2016-05-26 |
3e980a8 |
Fix references
changed the statement
2016-05-13 |
e9c39b5 |
Small improvements to models
created statement with label example-blowup in models.tex
2016-05-12 |
1d56603 |
Definition of semistable reduction for curves