History of tag 0CYF
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type |
time |
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changed the proof
2018-01-31 |
23ebb40 |
n ---> \xi
Thanks to Tanya Kraushal Srinivasta
changed the statement
2017-02-03 |
08950b7 |
Put in explicit reference to Hall-coherent
Thanks to Jack Hall for pointing this out.
assigned tag 0CYF
2016-11-09 |
Tags: Added new tags
changed the statement
2016-11-08 |
d86bfca |
Limited functoriality of obstruction class enough
State more precisely what it needed in the lemma on checking openness of
created statement with label lemma-get-openness-obstruction-theory in artin.tex
2016-11-08 |
e826c4b |
Suitable obstruction theory => openness versality
Thanks to Daniel Litt for encouragement
Sofar the chapter on Artin's axioms did not contain a simple implication
of this type. The one in this commit is very clean!