History of tag 0E7C
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type |
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changed the proof
2017-07-20 |
d47434f |
Clarify algebraization for proper rel dim 1
Also move a lemma earlier
assigned tag 0E7C
2017-07-19 |
Tags: Added new tags
changed the proof
2017-07-19 |
8993a2d |
Small change
changed the statement
2017-07-17 |
7de1427 |
Curves of a given genus
Adding this section as it describes the largest open substack of
Curvesstack where the genus is defined (according to SP)...
created statement with label lemma-contract-basic in moduli-curves.tex
2017-07-14 |
652a94f |
First contraction result for families of curves
Midly general, not super general.