History of tag 0ELA
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assigned tag 0ELA
2018-05-08 |
Tags: Added new tags
assigned tag 0ELA
2018-05-08 |
Split out lemmas in pione.tex
State explicitly that one wants results on the completion functor for
coherent modules in order to prove results on restriction functors for
finite etale coverings
changed the statement and the proof
2018-05-08 |
8e35d4c |
Split out lemmas in pione.tex
State explicitly that one wants results on the completion functor for
coherent modules in order to prove results on restriction functors for
finite etale coverings
changed the proof
2018-05-07 |
be8f0e7 |
Examples of Lefschetz for projective schemes
Just some possible things you can deduce from all the work done in the
affine case. Of course now we run into the whole API business where you
have to go back and forth between the affine case and the projective
case. Some of it is fun (when dealing with completion of graded things)
but some other parts aren't fun at all...
assigned tag 0ELA
2018-05-03 |
Tags: added new tags
created statement with label lemma-restriction-fully-faithful-general in pione.tex
2018-05-02 |
c4ff51c |
Finish upgrading pione.tex
Better but not great... many other applications possible...