History of tag 0FEF
Go back to the tag's page.
type |
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changed the proof
2020-11-13 |
4206155 |
chern -> Chern and noetherian -> Noetherian
Thanks to Lor Gro
assigned tag 0FEF
2019-08-28 |
Tags: added new tags
changed the proof
2019-07-19 |
dd3e808 |
New macro for Chow groups
Introduced mainly to distinguish between Chow groups of cycles of
codimension p and bivariant classes of degree p
changed the statement and the proof
2019-05-30 |
0331213 |
K_0(Coh) otimes Q equals chow
First case we can prove directly using localized chern classes
created statement with label lemma-compute-section in chow.tex
2019-05-29 |
d42062d |
A calculation with loc chern classes