Lemma 15.118.4. Let $R$ be a ring. Let
be $R$-modules such that $K$, $L/K$, and $M/L$ are finite projective $R$-modules. Then the diagram
commutes where the maps are those of Lemma 15.118.2.
Lemma 15.118.4. Let $R$ be a ring. Let
be $R$-modules such that $K$, $L/K$, and $M/L$ are finite projective $R$-modules. Then the diagram
commutes where the maps are those of Lemma 15.118.2.
Proof. Omitted. Hint: after localizing at a prime of $R$ we can assume $K \subset L \subset M$ is isomorphic to $R^{\oplus a} \subset R^{\oplus a + b} \subset R^{\oplus a + b + c}$ and in this case the result is an evident computation. $\square$
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