Example 50.19.1. Here is an example where we do not have a trace map on de Rham complexes. For example, consider the \mathbf{C}-algebra B = \mathbf{C}[x, y] with action of G = \{ \pm 1\} given by x \mapsto -x and y \mapsto -y. The invariants A = B^ G form a normal domain of finite type over \mathbf{C} generated by x^2, xy, y^2. We claim that for the inclusion A \subset B there is no reasonable trace map \Omega _{B/\mathbf{C}} \to \Omega _{A/\mathbf{C}} on 1-forms. Namely, consider the element \omega = x \text{d} y \in \Omega _{B/\mathbf{C}}. Since \omega is invariant under the action of G if a “reasonable” trace map exists, then 2\omega should be in the image of \Omega _{A/\mathbf{C}} \to \Omega _{B/\mathbf{C}}. This is not the case: there is no way to write 2\omega as a linear combination of \text{d}(x^2), \text{d}(xy), and \text{d}(y^2) even with coefficients in B. This example contradicts the main theorem in [Zannier].
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