22.15 Projective modules over graded algebras
In this section we discuss projective graded modules over graded algebras analogous to Algebra, Section 10.77.
Let R be a ring. Let A be a \mathbf{Z}-graded algebra over R. Section 22.2 for our conventions. Let \text{Mod}_ A denote the category of graded right A-modules. For an integer k let A[k] denote the shift of A. For a graded right A-module we have
As the functor M \mapsto M^{-k} is exact on \text{Mod}_ A we conclude that A[k] is a projective object of \text{Mod}_ A. Conversely, suppose that P is a projective object of \text{Mod}_ A. By choosing a set of homogeneous generators of P as an A-module, we can find a surjection
Thus we conclude that a projective object of \text{Mod}_ A is a direct summand of a direct sum of the shifts A[k].
We conclude
the category of graded A-modules has enough projectives,
A[k] is a projective A-module for every k \in \mathbf{Z},
every graded A-module is a quotient of a direct sum of copies of the modules A[k] for varying k,
every projective A-module is a direct summand of a direct sum of copies of the modules A[k] for varying k.
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