Remark 22.22.5. Let R be a ring. Let (A, \text{d}) be a differential graded R-algebra. Using P-resolutions we can sometimes reduce statements about general objects of D(A, \text{d}) to statements about A[k]. Namely, let T be a property of objects of D(A, \text{d}) and assume that
if K_ i, i \in I is a family of objects of D(A, \text{d}) and T(K_ i) holds for all i \in I, then T(\bigoplus K_ i),
if K \to L \to M \to K[1] is a distinguished triangle of D(A, \text{d}) and T holds for two, then T holds for the third object, and
T(A[k]) holds for all k \in \mathbf{Z}.
Then T holds for all objects of D(A, \text{d}). This is clear from Lemmas 22.20.1 and 22.20.4.
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