Proposition 106.15.1. Let \mathcal{X} be an algebraic stack with quasi-affine1 diagonal. Then \mathcal{X} satisfies descent for fpqc coverings.
Proposition 3.3.6 of “Intro to Algebraic Stacks” by Anatoly Preygel.
Proof. Our conventions are that \mathcal{X} is a stack in groupoids p : \mathcal{X} \to (\mathit{Sch}/S)_{fppf} over the category of schemes over a base scheme S endowed with the fppf topology. The statement means the following: given an fpqc covering \mathcal{U} = \{ U_ i \to U\} _{i \in I} of schemes over S the functor
is an equivalence. Here on the left we have the category of objects of \mathcal{X} over U and on the right we have the category of descent data in \mathcal{X} relative to \mathcal{U}. See discussion in Stacks, Section 8.3.
Fully faithfulness. Suppose we have two objects x, y of \mathcal{X} over U. Then I = \mathit{Isom}(x, y) is an algebraic space over U. Hence a collection of sections of I over U_ i whose restrictions to U_ i \times _ U U_ j agree, come from a unique section over U by the analogue of the proposition for algebraic spaces, see Properties of Spaces, Proposition 66.17.1. Thus our functor is fully faithful.
Essential surjectivity. Here we are given objects x_ i over U_ i and isomorphisms \varphi _{ij} : \text{pr}_0^*x_ i \to \text{pr}_1^*x_ j over U_ i \times _ U U_ j satisfying the cocyle condition over U_ i \times _ U U_ j \times _ U U_ k.
Let W be an affine scheme and let W \to \mathcal{X} be a morphism. For each i we can form
The projection W_ i \to U_ i is quasi-affine as the diagonal of \mathcal{X} is quasi-affine. For each pair i, j \in I the isomorphism \varphi _{ij} induces an isomorphism
Moreover, these isomorphisms satisfy the cocycle condition over U_ i \times _ U U_ j \times _ U U_ k. In other words, these isomorphisms define a descent datum on the schemes W_ i/U_ i relative to \mathcal{U}. By Descent, Lemma 35.38.1 we see that this descent datum is effective2. We conclude that there exists a quasi-affine morphism W' \to U and a commutative diagram
whose squares are cartesian. Since \{ W_ i \to W'\} _{i \in I} is the base change of \mathcal{U} by W' \to U we conclude that it is an fpqc covering. Since W satisfies the sheaf condition for fpqc coverings, we obtain a unique morphism W' \to W such that W_ i \to W' \to W is the given morphism W_ i \to W. In other words, we have the commutative diagrams
compatible with the isomorphisms \varphi _{ij} and whose square and rectangle are cartesian.
Choose a collection of affine schemes W_\alpha , \alpha \in A and smooth morphisms W_\alpha \to \mathcal{X} such that \coprod W_\alpha \to \mathcal{X} is surjective. By the procedure of the preceding paragraph we produce a diagram
for each \alpha . Then the morphisms W_\alpha ' \to U are smooth and jointly surjective.
Denote x_\alpha the object of \mathcal{X} over W_\alpha ' corresponding to W_\alpha ' \to W_\alpha \to \mathcal{X}. Since \mathcal{X} is an fppf stack and since \{ W_\alpha ' \to U\} is an fppf covering, it suffices to show that there are isomorphisms \text{pr}_0^*x_\alpha \to \text{pr}_1^*x_\beta over W_\alpha ' \times _ U W'_\beta satisfying the cocycle condition. However, after pulling back to W_{\alpha , i} we do have such isomorphisms over W_{\alpha , i} \times _{U_ i} W_{\beta , i} = U_ i \times _ U (W_\alpha ' \times _ U W'_\beta ) since the pullback of x_\alpha to W_{\alpha , i} is isomorphic to the pullback of x_ i to W_{\alpha , i}. Since \{ U_ i \times _ U (W_\alpha ' \times _ U W'_\beta ) \to W_\alpha ' \times _ U W'_\beta \} _{i \in I} is an fpqc covering and by the aforementioned compatibility of the diagrams above with \varphi _{ij} these isomorphisms descend to W_\alpha ' \times _ U W'_\beta and the proof is complete. \square
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