Remark 13.5.3. In the presence of MS1 and MS6, condition MS5 is equivalent to asking $s[n] \in S$ for all $s \in S$ and $n \in \mathbf{Z}$. For example, suppose MS5 holds, we have $s \in S$, and we want to show $s[-1] \in S$. This isn't immediate because $s[-1][1]$ is not equal to $s$, only isomorphic to $s$ as an arrow of $\mathcal{D}$. Still, this does imply that $s[-1][1] = f \circ s \circ g$ for isomorphisms $f$, $g$. By Lemma 13.5.2 (1) we find $f, g \in S$, hence $s[-1][1] \in S$ by MS1, hence $s[-1] \in S$ by MS5. We leave a complete proof to the reader as an exercise.
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