History of tag 00IC
Go back to the tag's page.
type |
time |
link |
changed the proof
2023-01-17 |
29bda24 |
Reorder the section on valuation rings
Thanks to Laurent Moret-Bailly for emailing the latex changes
changed the proof
2016-11-07 |
df29deb |
Patch for algebra.tex by Dario Weissmann
Thanks to Dario Weissmann
Lightly edited by Johan de Jong
changed the proof
2011-07-07 |
05019d5 |
Fix isolated point stuff
It turns out that I was thinking about isolated points in the
wrong way. Apparantly an isolated point is just what I would
have called an open point and what I thought was an isolated
point is a closed isolated point.
Also added: A lemma stating that a morphism is locally
quasi-finite if and only if it is locally of finite type with
discrete fibres.
assigned tag 00IC
2009-05-16 |
Started tags infrastructure
new file: scripts/add_tags.py
modified: scripts/functions.py
new file: tags/initial_tags
new file: tags/tags
created statement with label lemma-valuation-ring-normal in algebra.tex
2008-12-08 |
922d8ee |
Separation properties
modified: algebra.tex
modified: schemes.tex