History of tag 017J
Go back to the tag's page.
type |
time |
link |
changed the statement
2011-08-11 |
aaf93e6 |
LaTeX: \Mor
Introduced a macro
\def\Mor{\mathop{\rm Mor}\nolimits}
and replaced all the occurences of \text{Mor} with \Mor.
changed the proof
2011-08-10 |
d437c1e |
First macro of the project
This gets rid of all the \nolimits commands following \lim by
\def\lim{\mathop{\rm lim}\nolimits}
in the file preamble.tex. As far as I can tell this is
equivalent to \lim\nolimits where \lim is the internal command
of TeX. The dvi files produced before and after this commit are
changed the proof
2011-08-10 |
23038ed |
LaTeX: fix lim
Replaced all the occurences of \text{lim} by \lim or
\lim\nolimits depending on whether the invocation occured in
display math or not.
assigned tag 017J
2009-05-16 |
Started tags infrastructure
new file: scripts/add_tags.py
modified: scripts/functions.py
new file: tags/initial_tags
new file: tags/tags
changed the proof
2009-04-10 |
713944e |
More neurotic changes
moved the statement to file simplicial.tex
2008-11-02 |
951267c |
Moved all the stuff about simplicial objects into its own file.
created statement with label lemma-exists-hom-0-from-simplicial-set in hypercovering.tex
2008-10-28 |
c78950e |
Intermediate save...