History of tag 01A6
Go back to the tag's page.
type |
time |
link |
changed the statement and the proof
2013-03-01 |
848bd5b |
Constructing finite polynomial algebra simplicial resolutions
At first this seemed very awkward, but now it seems beautiful.
changed the proof
2012-08-19 |
13c1744 |
Thanks to David Zureick-Brown
assigned tag 01A6
2009-05-16 |
Started tags infrastructure
new file: scripts/add_tags.py
modified: scripts/functions.py
new file: tags/initial_tags
new file: tags/tags
changed the proof
2009-02-10 |
de83647 |
Clean up labels and references
Add more stringent reference checking to parse.py
modified: algebra.tex
modified: algebraic.tex
modified: categories.tex
modified: constructions.tex
modified: desirables.tex
modified: flat.tex
modified: fpqc-descent.tex
modified: morphisms.tex
modified: schemes.tex
modified: scripts/functions.py
modified: scripts/make_index.py
modified: scripts/parse.py
modified: sets.tex
modified: sheaves.tex
modified: simplicial.tex
modified: sites.tex
modified: stacks.tex
modified: topology.tex
changed the proof
2009-01-19 |
8801bdd |
More neurotic changes
modified: .gitignore
modified: algebra.tex
modified: categories.tex
modified: etale.tex
modified: flat.tex
modified: scripts/functions.py
modified: scripts/make_index.py
modified: scripts/parse.py
modified: simplicial.tex
modified: sites.tex
changed the proof
2009-01-12 |
89433d2 |
More neurotic cleaning up
modified: algebra.tex
modified: algebraic.tex
modified: categories.tex
modified: coding.tex
modified: cohomology.tex
modified: constructions.tex
modified: conventions.tex
modified: etale.tex
modified: flat.tex
modified: fpqc-descent.tex
modified: homology.tex
modified: hypercovering.tex
modified: injectives.tex
modified: introduction.tex
modified: modules.tex
modified: morphisms.tex
modified: properties.tex
modified: schemes.tex
new file: scripts/parse.py
modified: sets.tex
modified: sheaves.tex
modified: simplicial.tex
modified: sites.tex
modified: spaces.tex
modified: stacks-groupoids.tex
modified: stacks.tex
modified: topology.tex
moved the statement to file simplicial.tex
2008-11-02 |
951267c |
Moved all the stuff about simplicial objects into its own file.
created statement with label lemma-section in hypercovering.tex
2008-10-23 |
c45d6f3 |
More more more hypercoverings