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15.54 Injective abelian groups

In this section we show the category of abelian groups has enough injectives. Recall that an abelian group M is divisible if and only if for every x \in M and every n \in \mathbf{N} there exists a y \in M such that n y = x.

Lemma 15.54.1. An abelian group J is an injective object in the category of abelian groups if and only if J is divisible.

Proof. Suppose that J is not divisible. Then there exists an x \in J and n \in \mathbf{N} such that there is no y \in J with n y = x. Then the morphism \mathbf{Z} \to J, m \mapsto mx does not extend to \frac{1}{n}\mathbf{Z} \supset \mathbf{Z}. Hence J is not injective.

Let A \subset B be abelian groups. Assume that J is a divisible abelian group. Let \varphi : A \to J be a morphism. Consider the set of homomorphisms \varphi ' : A' \to J with A \subset A' \subset B and \varphi '|_ A = \varphi . Define (A', \varphi ') \geq (A'', \varphi '') if and only if A' \supset A'' and \varphi '|_{A''} = \varphi ''. If (A_ i, \varphi _ i)_{i \in I} is a totally ordered collection of such pairs, then we obtain a map \bigcup _{i \in I} A_ i \to J defined by a \in A_ i maps to \varphi _ i(a). Thus Zorn's lemma applies. To conclude we have to show that if the pair (A', \varphi ') is maximal then A' = B. In other words, it suffices to show, given any subgroup A \subset B, A \not= B and any \varphi : A \to J, then we can find \varphi ' : A' \to J with A \subset A' \subset B such that (a) the inclusion A \subset A' is strict, and (b) the morphism \varphi ' extends \varphi .

To prove this, pick x \in B, x \not\in A. If there exists no n\in \mathbf{N} such that nx \in A, then A \oplus \mathbf{Z} \cong A + \mathbf{Z}x. Hence we can extend \varphi to A' = A + \mathbf{Z}x by using \varphi on A and mapping x to zero for example. If there does exist an n \in \mathbf{N} such that nx \in A, then let n be the minimal such integer. Let z \in J be an element such that nz = \varphi (nx). Define a morphism \tilde\varphi : A \oplus \mathbf{Z} \to J by (a, m) \mapsto \varphi (a) + mz. By our choice of z the kernel of \tilde\varphi contains the kernel of the map A \oplus \mathbf{Z} \to B, (a, m) \mapsto a + mx. Hence \tilde\varphi factors through the image A' = A + \mathbf{Z}x, and this extends the morphism \varphi . \square

We can use this lemma to show that every abelian group can be embedded in a injective abelian group. But this is a special case of the result of the following section.

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