Lemma 26.21.2. Let X be a scheme over S. The diagonal morphism \Delta _{X/S} is an immersion.
The diagonal morphism for relative schemes is an immersion.
Proof. Recall that if V \subset X is affine open and maps into U \subset S affine open, then V \times _ U V is affine open in X \times _ S X, see Lemmas 26.17.2 and 26.17.3. Consider the open subscheme W of X \times _ S X which is the union of these affine opens V \times _ U V. By Lemma 26.4.2 it is enough to show that each morphism \Delta _{X/S}^{-1}(V \times _ U V) \to V \times _ U V is a closed immersion. Since V = \Delta _{X/S}^{-1}(V \times _ U V) we are just checking that \Delta _{V/U} is a closed immersion, which is Lemma 26.21.1. \square
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