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27.9 Quasi-coherent sheaves on Proj

Let S be a graded ring. Let M be a graded S-module. We saw in Lemma 27.8.4 how to construct a quasi-coherent sheaf of modules \widetilde{M} on \text{Proj}(S) and a map
\begin{equation} \label{constructions-equation-map-global-sections} M_0 \longrightarrow \Gamma (\text{Proj}(S), \widetilde{M}) \end{equation}

of the degree 0 part of M to the global sections of \widetilde{M}. The degree 0 part of the nth twist M(n) of the graded module M (see Algebra, Section 10.56) is equal to M_ n. Hence we can get maps
\begin{equation} \label{constructions-equation-map-global-sections-degree-n} M_ n \longrightarrow \Gamma (\text{Proj}(S), \widetilde{M(n)}). \end{equation}

We would like to be able to perform this operation for any quasi-coherent sheaf \mathcal{F} on \text{Proj}(S). We will do this by tensoring with the nth twist of the structure sheaf, see Definition 27.10.1. In order to relate the two notions we will use the following lemma.

Lemma 27.9.1. Let S be a graded ring. Let (X, \mathcal{O}_ X) = (\text{Proj}(S), \mathcal{O}_{\text{Proj}(S)}) be the scheme of Lemma 27.8.7. Let f \in S_{+} be homogeneous. Let x \in X be a point corresponding to the homogeneous prime \mathfrak p \subset S. Let M, N be graded S-modules. There is a canonical map of \mathcal{O}_{\text{Proj}(S)}-modules

\widetilde M \otimes _{\mathcal{O}_ X} \widetilde N \longrightarrow \widetilde{M \otimes _ S N}

which induces the canonical map M_{(f)} \otimes _{S_{(f)}} N_{(f)} \to (M \otimes _ S N)_{(f)} on sections over D_{+}(f) and the canonical map M_{(\mathfrak p)} \otimes _{S_{(\mathfrak p)}} N_{(\mathfrak p)} \to (M \otimes _ S N)_{(\mathfrak p)} on stalks at x. Moreover, the following diagram

\xymatrix{ M_0 \otimes _{S_0} N_0 \ar[r] \ar[d] & (M \otimes _ S N)_0 \ar[d] \\ \Gamma (X, \widetilde M \otimes _{\mathcal{O}_ X} \widetilde N) \ar[r] & \Gamma (X, \widetilde{M \otimes _ S N}) }

is commutative where the vertical maps are given by (

Proof. To construct a morphism as displayed is the same as constructing a \mathcal{O}_ X-bilinear map

\widetilde M \times \widetilde N \longrightarrow \widetilde{M \otimes _ S N}

see Modules, Section 17.16. It suffices to define this on sections over the opens D_{+}(f) compatible with restriction mappings. On D_{+}(f) we use the S_{(f)}-bilinear map M_{(f)} \times N_{(f)} \to (M \otimes _ S N)_{(f)}, (x/f^ n, y/f^ m) \mapsto (x \otimes y)/f^{n + m}. Details omitted. \square

Remark 27.9.2. In general the map constructed in Lemma 27.9.1 above is not an isomorphism. Here is an example. Let k be a field. Let S = k[x, y, z] with k in degree 0 and \deg (x) = 1, \deg (y) = 2, \deg (z) = 3. Let M = S(1) and N = S(2), see Algebra, Section 10.56 for notation. Then M \otimes _ S N = S(3). Note that

\begin{eqnarray*} S_ z & = & k[x, y, z, 1/z] \\ S_{(z)} & = & k[x^3/z, xy/z, y^3/z^2] \cong k[u, v, w]/(uw - v^3) \\ M_{(z)} & = & S_{(z)} \cdot x + S_{(z)} \cdot y^2/z \subset S_ z \\ N_{(z)} & = & S_{(z)} \cdot y + S_{(z)} \cdot x^2 \subset S_ z \\ S(3)_{(z)} & = & S_{(z)} \cdot z \subset S_ z \end{eqnarray*}

Consider the maximal ideal \mathfrak m = (u, v, w) \subset S_{(z)}. It is not hard to see that both M_{(z)}/\mathfrak mM_{(z)} and N_{(z)}/\mathfrak mN_{(z)} have dimension 2 over \kappa (\mathfrak m). But S(3)_{(z)}/\mathfrak mS(3)_{(z)} has dimension 1. Thus the map M_{(z)} \otimes N_{(z)} \to S(3)_{(z)} is not an isomorphism.

Comments (5)

Comment #1839 by Otto Koerner on

In Remark 26.9.2. the Relation M (tensor S) N = S(3) is not correct. Therefore we have here a counterexample to the statemment in the first part of 26.10: S(n)(tensor S)S(m)= S(n+m).

Comment #1876 by on

Sorry, but I'm afraid I do not understand what you are saying. The tensor product of two graded -modules , is the graded -module whose underlying -module is the usual tensor product. So if and , then is free of rank as an -module. To see that it is indeed you have to compute the degree the generator is in; this I leave up to you.

Comment #4621 by Andrea on

So in Remark 26.9.2, does this imply that ?

Comment #4626 by on

Dear Andrea, yes this is correct. So not only is the canonical map not an isomorphism, but there is no isomorphism period.

Comment #5319 by Thiago on

In lemma 27.9.1. it seams that suddenly becomes .

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