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The Stacks project

History of tag 01R6

Go back to the tag's page.

type time link
changed the proof 2024-05-07 1c7c505
Change which lemma to use

Thanks to  Elías Guisado
changed the proof 2013-12-22 e179438

Introduced a macro


and replace all occurrences of \text{Ker} with \Ker
assigned tag 01R6 2009-05-16 fad2e12
Started tags infrastructure

	new file:   scripts/add_tags.py
	modified:   scripts/functions.py
	new file:   tags/initial_tags
	new file:   tags/tags
changed the proof 2009-03-15 24fc4d4
More on morphisms

	modified:   Makefile
	modified:   algebra.tex
	modified:   modules.tex
	modified:   morphisms.tex
	modified:   schemes.tex
changed the proof 2009-03-12 cf94b15
Small change on scheme theoretic density

	modified:   morphisms.tex
changed the proof 2009-03-05 51508ee
Typos found by Zach Maddock

	modified:   morphisms.tex
created statement with label lemma-scheme-theoretic-image in morphisms.tex 2009-03-01 d7ba940
First version of Chow's lemma plus some remarks on scheme theoretic
image and scheme theoretic closure

	modified:   algebra.tex
	modified:   limits.tex
	modified:   morphisms.tex
	modified:   properties.tex
	modified:   topology.tex