29 Morphisms of Schemes
Section 29.1: Introduction
Section 29.2: Closed immersions
Section 29.3: Immersions
Section 29.4: Closed immersions and quasi-coherent sheaves
Section 29.5: Supports of modules
Section 29.6: Scheme theoretic image
Section 29.7: Scheme theoretic closure and density
Section 29.8: Dominant morphisms
Section 29.9: Surjective morphisms
Section 29.10: Radicial and universally injective morphisms
Section 29.11: Affine morphisms
Section 29.12: Families of ample invertible modules
Section 29.13: Quasi-affine morphisms
Section 29.14: Types of morphisms defined by properties of ring maps
Section 29.15: Morphisms of finite type
Section 29.16: Points of finite type and Jacobson schemes
Section 29.17: Universally catenary schemes
Section 29.18: Nagata schemes, reprise
Section 29.19: The singular locus, reprise
Section 29.20: Quasi-finite morphisms
Section 29.21: Morphisms of finite presentation
Section 29.22: Constructible sets
Section 29.23: Open morphisms
Section 29.24: Submersive morphisms
Section 29.25: Flat morphisms
Section 29.26: Flat closed immersions
Section 29.27: Generic flatness
Section 29.28: Morphisms and dimensions of fibres
Section 29.29: Morphisms of given relative dimension
Section 29.30: Syntomic morphisms
Section 29.31: Conormal sheaf of an immersion
Section 29.32: Sheaf of differentials of a morphism
Section 29.33: Finite order differential operators
Section 29.34: Smooth morphisms
Section 29.35: Unramified morphisms
Section 29.36: Étale morphisms
Section 29.37: Relatively ample sheaves
Section 29.38: Very ample sheaves
Section 29.39: Ample and very ample sheaves relative to finite type morphisms
Section 29.40: Quasi-projective morphisms
Section 29.41: Proper morphisms
Section 29.42: Valuative criteria
Section 29.43: Projective morphisms
Section 29.44: Integral and finite morphisms
Section 29.45: Universal homeomorphisms
Section 29.46: Universal homeomorphisms of affine schemes
Section 29.47: Absolute weak normalization and seminormalization
Section 29.48: Finite locally free morphisms
Section 29.49: Rational maps
Section 29.50: Birational morphisms
Section 29.51: Generically finite morphisms
Section 29.52: The dimension formula
Section 29.53: Relative normalization
Section 29.54: Normalization
Section 29.55: Weak normalization
Section 29.56: Zariski's Main Theorem (algebraic version)
Section 29.57: Universally bounded fibres
Section 29.58: Miscellany