Lemma 29.51.4. Let X, Y be schemes. Let f : X \to Y be locally of finite type. Let X^0, resp. Y^0 denote the set of generic points of irreducible components of X, resp. Y. Let \eta \in Y^0. The following are equivalent
f^{-1}(\{ \eta \} ) \subset X^0,
f is quasi-finite at all points lying over \eta ,
f is quasi-finite at all \xi \in X^0 lying over \eta .
Condition (1) implies there are no specializations among the points of the fibre X_\eta . Hence (2) holds by Lemma 29.20.6. The implication (2) \Rightarrow (3) is immediate. Since \eta is a generic point of Y, the generic points of X_\eta are generic points of X. Hence (3) and Lemma 29.20.6 imply the generic points of X_\eta are also closed. Thus all points of X_\eta are generic and we see that (1) holds.
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