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Cancellation law for étale morphisms

Lemma 29.36.18. Let $f : X \to Y$ be a morphism of schemes over $S$. If $X$ and $Y$ are étale over $S$, then $f$ is étale.

Proof. As a first proof one may reduce to the affine case and then use Algebra, Lemma 10.143.8. This proof is somewhat complicated as it uses the “Critère de platitude par fibres” to see that a morphism $X \to Y$ over $S$ between schemes étale over $S$ is automatically flat.

We give a second proof using the graph argument. Namely, consider the factorization $X \to X \times _ S Y \to Y$, where the first arrow is given by $\text{id}_ X$ and $f$ and the second arrow is the projection. We claim both arrows are étale and hence $f$ is étale by Lemma 29.36.3. Namely, the projection is étale as it is the base change of $X \to S$, see Lemma 29.36.4. The first arrow is the base change of the diagonal morphism $Y \to Y \times _ S Y$ because the square

\[ \xymatrix{ X \ar[d] \ar[r] & X \times _ S Y \ar[d] \\ Y \ar[r] & Y \times _ S Y } \]

is cartesian. The diagonal $Y \to Y \times _ S Y$ is an open immersion because $Y \to S$ is étale and hence unramified (Lemma 29.36.5) and we may use Lemma 29.35.13. The base change of an open immersion is an open immersion (Schemes, Lemma 26.18.2) and an open immersion is étale (Lemma 29.36.9). This finishes the second proof. $\square$

Comments (7)

Comment #3037 by Brian Lawrence on

Suggested slogan: A map between two schemes, which are etale over a common base, is etale.

Comment #4953 by awllower on

Suggested slogan: Cancellation law for étale morphisms.

Comment #4971 by Floris Ruijter on

Suggested slogan: Morphism of étale schemes is étale.

Comment #5209 by on

OK, I went with the cancellation law slogan

Comment #8251 by DatPham on

I think it may be helpful to mention also a proof using the usual graph argument (which works because we have seen that (a) the diagonal of an unramified map is an open immersion, (b) an open immersion is étale, (c) being étale is preserved under composition and base change).

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