Lemma 29.28.6. Let f : X \to S be a morphism of schemes. Let n \geq 0. Assume f is locally of finite presentation. The open
of Lemma 29.28.4 is retrocompact in X. (See Topology, Definition 5.12.1.)
Lemma 29.28.6. Let f : X \to S be a morphism of schemes. Let n \geq 0. Assume f is locally of finite presentation. The open
of Lemma 29.28.4 is retrocompact in X. (See Topology, Definition 5.12.1.)
Proof. The topological space X has a basis for its topology consisting of affine opens U \subset X such that the induced morphism f|_ U : U \to S factors through an affine open V \subset S. Hence it is enough to show that U \cap U_ n is quasi-compact for such a U. Note that U_ n \cap U is the same as the open \{ x \in U \mid \dim _ x U_{f(x)} \leq n\} . This reduces us to the case where X and S are affine. In this case the lemma follows from Algebra, Lemma 10.125.8 (and Lemma 29.21.2). \square
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