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Lemma 35.3.2. Let R \to A be a ring map. Given a descent datum (N, \varphi ) we can associate to it a cosimplicial (A/R)_\bullet -module N_\bullet 1 by the rules N_ n = N_{n, n} and given \beta : [n] \to [m] setting we define

N_\bullet (\beta ) = (\varphi ^ m_{\beta (n)m}) \circ N_{\beta , n} : N_{n, n} \longrightarrow N_{m, m}.

This procedure is functorial in the descent datum.

Proof. Here are the first few maps where \varphi (n \otimes 1) = \sum \alpha _ i \otimes x_ i

\begin{matrix} \delta ^1_0 & : & N & \to & A \otimes N & n & \mapsto & 1 \otimes n \\ \delta ^1_1 & : & N & \to & A \otimes N & n & \mapsto & \sum \alpha _ i \otimes x_ i \\ \sigma ^0_0 & : & A \otimes N & \to & N & a_0 \otimes n & \mapsto & a_0n \\ \delta ^2_0 & : & A \otimes N & \to & A \otimes A \otimes N & a_0 \otimes n & \mapsto & 1 \otimes a_0 \otimes n \\ \delta ^2_1 & : & A \otimes N & \to & A \otimes A \otimes N & a_0 \otimes n & \mapsto & a_0 \otimes 1 \otimes n \\ \delta ^2_2 & : & A \otimes N & \to & A \otimes A \otimes N & a_0 \otimes n & \mapsto & \sum a_0 \otimes \alpha _ i \otimes x_ i \\ \sigma ^1_0 & : & A \otimes A \otimes N & \to & A \otimes N & a_0 \otimes a_1 \otimes n & \mapsto & a_0a_1 \otimes n \\ \sigma ^1_1 & : & A \otimes A \otimes N & \to & A \otimes N & a_0 \otimes a_1 \otimes n & \mapsto & a_0 \otimes a_1n \end{matrix}

with notation as in Simplicial, Section 14.5. We first verify the two properties \sigma ^0_0 \circ \delta ^1_0 = \text{id} and \sigma ^0_0 \circ \delta ^1_1 = \text{id}. The first one, \sigma ^0_0 \circ \delta ^1_0 = \text{id}, is clear from the explicit description of the morphisms above. To prove the second relation we have to use the cocycle condition (because it does not hold for an arbitrary isomorphism \varphi : N \otimes _ R A \to A \otimes _ R N). Write p = \sigma ^0_0 \circ \delta ^1_1 : N \to N. By the description of the maps above we deduce that p is also equal to

p = \varphi \otimes \text{id} : N = (N \otimes _ R A) \otimes _{(A \otimes _ R A)} A \longrightarrow (A \otimes _ R N) \otimes _{(A \otimes _ R A)} A = N

Since \varphi is an isomorphism we see that p is an isomorphism. Write \varphi (n \otimes 1) = \sum \alpha _ i \otimes x_ i for certain \alpha _ i \in A and x_ i \in N. Then p(n) = \sum \alpha _ ix_ i. Next, write \varphi (x_ i \otimes 1) = \sum \alpha _{ij} \otimes y_ j for certain \alpha _{ij} \in A and y_ j \in N. Then the cocycle condition says that

\sum \alpha _ i \otimes \alpha _{ij} \otimes y_ j = \sum \alpha _ i \otimes 1 \otimes x_ i.

This means that p(n) = \sum \alpha _ ix_ i = \sum \alpha _ i\alpha _{ij}y_ j = \sum \alpha _ i p(x_ i) = p(p(n)). Thus p is a projector, and since it is an isomorphism it is the identity.

To prove fully that N_\bullet is a cosimplicial module we have to check all 5 types of relations of Simplicial, Remark 14.5.3. The relations on composing \sigma 's are obvious. The relations on composing \delta 's come down to the cocycle condition for \varphi . In exactly the same way as above one checks the relations \sigma _ j \circ \delta _ j = \sigma _ j \circ \delta _{j + 1} = \text{id}. Finally, the other relations on compositions of \delta 's and \sigma 's hold for any \varphi whatsoever. \square

[1] We should really write (N, \varphi )_\bullet .

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