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41.16 The functorial characterization

We finally present the promised functorial characterization. Thus there are four ways to think about étale morphisms of schemes:

  1. as a smooth morphism of relative dimension 0,

  2. as locally finitely presented, flat, and unramified morphisms,

  3. using the structure theorem, and

  4. using the functorial characterization.

Theorem 41.16.1. Let f : X \to S be a morphism that is locally of finite presentation. The following are equivalent

  1. f is étale,

  2. for all affine S-schemes Y, and closed subschemes Y_0 \subset Y defined by square-zero ideals, the natural map

    \mathop{\mathrm{Mor}}\nolimits _ S(Y, X) \longrightarrow \mathop{\mathrm{Mor}}\nolimits _ S(Y_0, X)

    is bijective.

Proof. This is More on Morphisms, Lemma 37.8.9. \square

This characterization says that solutions to the equations defining X can be lifted uniquely through nilpotent thickenings.

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