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110.23 Non-quasi-affine variety with quasi-affine normalization

The existence of an example of this kind is mentioned in [II Remark 6.6.13, EGA]. They refer to the fifth volume of EGA for such an example, but the fifth volume did not appear.

Let k be a field. Let Y = \mathbf{A}^2_ k \setminus \{ (0, 0)\} . We are going to construct a finite surjective birational morphism \pi : Y \longrightarrow X with X a variety over k such that X is not quasi-affine. Namely, consider the following curves in Y:

\begin{matrix} C_1 & : & x = 0 \\ C_2 & : & y = 0 \end{matrix}

Note that C_1 \cap C_2 = \emptyset . We choose the isomorphism \varphi : C_1 \to C_2, (0, y) \mapsto (y^{-1}, 0). We claim there is a unique morphism \pi : Y \to X as above such that

\xymatrix{ C_1 \ar@<1ex>[rr]^{\text{id}} \ar@<-1ex>[rr]_{\varphi } & & Y \ar[r]^\pi & X }

is a coequalizer diagram in the category of varieties (and even in the category of schemes). Accepting this for the moment let us show that such an X cannot be quasi-affine. Namely, it is clear that we would get

\Gamma (X, \mathcal{O}_ X) = \{ f \in k[x, y] \mid f(0, y) = f(y^{-1}, 0)\} = k \oplus (xy) \subset k[x, y].

In particular these functions do not separate the points (1, 0) and (-1, 0) whose images in X (we will see below) are distinct (if the characteristic of k is not 2).

To show that X exists consider the Zariski open D(x + y) \subset Y of Y. This is the spectrum of the ring k[x, y, 1/(x + y)] and the curves C_1, C_2 are completely contained in D(x + y). Moreover the morphism

C_1 \amalg C_2 \longrightarrow D(x + y) \cap Y = \mathop{\mathrm{Spec}}(k[x, y, 1/(x + y)])

is a closed immersion. It follows from More on Algebra, Lemma 15.5.1 that the ring

A = \{ f \in k[x, y, 1/(x + y)] \mid f(0, y) = f(y^{-1}, 0)\}

is of finite type over k. On the other hand we have the open D(xy) \subset Y of Y which is disjoint from the curves C_1 and C_2. It is the spectrum of the ring

B = k[x, y, 1/xy].

Note that we have A_{xy} \cong B_{x + y} (since A clearly contains the elements xyP(x, y) any polynomial P and the element xy/(x + y)). The scheme X is obtained by glueing the affine schemes \mathop{\mathrm{Spec}}(A) and \mathop{\mathrm{Spec}}(B) using the isomorphism A_{xy} \cong B_{x + y} and hence is clearly of finite type over k. To see that it is separated one has to show that the ring map A \otimes _ k B \to B_{x + y} is surjective. To see this use that A \otimes _ k B contains the element xy/(x + y) \otimes 1/xy which maps to 1/(x + y). The morphism Y \to X is given by the natural maps D(x + y) \to \mathop{\mathrm{Spec}}(A) and D(xy) \to \mathop{\mathrm{Spec}}(B). Since these are both finite we deduce that Y \to X is finite as desired. We omit the verification that X is indeed the coequalizer of the displayed diagram above, however, see (insert future reference for pushouts in the category of schemes here). Note that the morphism \pi : Y \to X does map the points (1, 0) and (-1, 0) to distinct points in X because the function (x + y^3)/(x + y)^2 \in A has value 1/1, resp. -1/(-1)^2 = -1 which are always distinct (unless the characteristic is 2 – please find your own points for characteristic 2). We summarize this discussion in the form of a lemma.

Lemma 110.23.1. Let k be a field. There exists a variety X whose normalization is quasi-affine but which is itself not quasi-affine.

Proof. See discussion above and (insert future reference on normalization here). \square

Comments (2)

Comment #3580 by Neeraj Deshmukh on

In the paragraph preceding lemma 0272, it says "" in two places instead of "".

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