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History of tag 03MU

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type time link
changed the statement 2016-06-08 e07d9a8
Sanity check univ subm morph spaces
changed the proof 2012-08-19 13c1744

Thanks to David Zureick-Brown
changed the proof 2011-08-10 65ce54f
LaTeX: \Spec

	Introduced the macro

	\def\Spec{\mathop{\rm Spec}}

	and changed all the occurences of \text{Spec} into \Spec.
changed the label to lemma-universally-injective-representable 2010-02-19 3e1df3f
Global: Eradicated radicial

	Well, not completely, but almost.
changed the statement and the proof 2010-02-19 3e1df3f
Global: Eradicated radicial

	Well, not completely, but almost.
assigned tag 03MU 2009-12-17 8de7ea3
Tags: Added new tags

	Also commented obsolete tags corresponding to sections of
	desirables.tex that have been removed.
created statement with label lemma-radical-representable in spaces-morphisms.tex 2009-12-15 9998c73
Morphism of Spaces: Radicial morphisms

	TODO: Figure out whether radicial is really the same as
	universally injective as in the schemes case.