The Stacks project

History of tag 03O8

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type time link
changed the proof 2011-06-16 93ac3fc
Fixing references

	This time we're fixing the type of the reference
changed the statement 2010-01-03 719133d
Etale Cohomology: Introducing tau-sites

	There seems to be no way around actually introducing the
	tau-sites in the chapter on etale cohomology. As a result we
	noticed something missing in the chapter on topologies, namely
	the statement that the topologies on the big (absolute)
	tau-sites are induced from the corresponding toplogies on the
	category of all schemes. We added this also.
changed the statement and the proof 2009-12-24 9e7560b
Etale cohomology: Some more edits.
assigned tag 03O8 2009-12-21 5da02f9
Tags: Added new tags

	Mainly new tags for lemmas/propositions/theorems in the chapter
	on etale cohomology.
changed the statement 2009-12-19 3e3ffd0
Etale Cohomology: White space changes only
changed the label to theorem-descent-quasi-coherent 2009-12-19 e7e2007
Etale Cohomology: Added it to the project and more edits

	A solution to the problem mentioned in the previous commit may
	be to add parts of the Chapter as Appendices maybe in a smaller
	font. Still not sure.
changed the statement 2009-12-19 e7e2007
Etale Cohomology: Added it to the project and more edits

	A solution to the problem mentioned in the previous commit may
	be to add parts of the Chapter as Appendices maybe in a smaller
	font. Still not sure.
changed the statement 2009-12-19 c3c8fb6
Etale Cohomology: Lots of edits

	One of the problems is that the coding style is completely
	different and nonuniform. Another is that there is a lot of
	material for which it will not be possible to find proofs
	internally in the stacks project for a long time. Perhaps we
	need to introduce a way of indicating this in the document.

	A better solution is perhaps to add only those parts to the
	actual stacks book published on the web which mesh well with
	the stacks project.
created statement with label thm:DescentIsEffectiveForQCoh in etale-cohomology.tex 2009-12-18 9a18af1

	See previous commit