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59 Étale Cohomology
Section 59.1: Introduction
Section 59.2: Which sections to skip on a first reading?
Section 59.3: Prologue
Section 59.4: The étale topology
Section 59.5: Feats of the étale topology
Section 59.6: A computation
Section 59.7: Nontorsion coefficients
Section 59.8: Sheaf theory
Section 59.9: Presheaves
Section 59.10: Sites
Section 59.11: Sheaves
Section 59.12: The example of G-sets
Section 59.13: Sheafification
Section 59.14: Cohomology
Section 59.15: The fpqc topology
Section 59.16: Faithfully flat descent
Section 59.17: Quasi-coherent sheaves
Section 59.18: Čech cohomology
Section 59.19: The Čech-to-cohomology spectral sequence
Section 59.20: Big and small sites of schemes
Section 59.21: The étale topos
Section 59.22: Cohomology of quasi-coherent sheaves
Section 59.23: Examples of sheaves
Section 59.24: Picard groups
Section 59.25: The étale site
Section 59.26: Étale morphisms
Section 59.27: Étale coverings
Section 59.28: Kummer theory
Section 59.29: Neighborhoods, stalks and points
Section 59.30: Points in other topologies
Section 59.31: Supports of abelian sheaves
Section 59.32: Henselian rings
Section 59.33: Stalks of the structure sheaf
Section 59.34: Functoriality of small étale topos
Section 59.35: Direct images
Section 59.36: Inverse image
Section 59.37: Functoriality of big topoi
Section 59.38: Functoriality and sheaves of modules
Section 59.39: Comparing topologies
Section 59.40: Recovering morphisms
Section 59.41: Push and pull
Section 59.42: Property (A)
Section 59.43: Property (B)
Section 59.44: Property (C)
Section 59.45: Topological invariance of the small étale site
Section 59.46: Closed immersions and pushforward
Section 59.47: Integral universally injective morphisms
Section 59.48: Big sites and pushforward
Section 59.49: Exactness of big lower shriek
Section 59.50: Étale cohomology
Lemma 59.50.1: Mayer-Vietoris for étale cohomology
Lemma 59.50.2: Relative Mayer-Vietoris
Section 59.51: Colimits
Section 59.52: Colimits and complexes
Section 59.53: Stalks of higher direct images
Section 59.54: The Leray spectral sequence
Section 59.55: Vanishing of finite higher direct images
Section 59.56: Galois action on stalks
Section 59.57: Group cohomology
Section 59.58: Tate's continuous cohomology
Section 59.59: Cohomology of a point
Section 59.60: Cohomology of curves
Section 59.61: Brauer groups
Section 59.62: The Brauer group of a scheme
Section 59.63: The Artin-Schreier sequence
Section 59.64: Locally constant sheaves
Section 59.65: Locally constant sheaves and the fundamental group
Section 59.66: Méthode de la trace
Section 59.67: Galois cohomology
Section 59.68: Higher vanishing for the multiplicative group
Section 59.69: Picard groups of curves
Section 59.70: Extension by zero
Section 59.71: Constructible sheaves
Section 59.72: Auxiliary lemmas on morphisms
Section 59.73: More on constructible sheaves
Section 59.74: Constructible sheaves on Noetherian schemes
Section 59.75: Specializations and étale sheaves
Section 59.76: Complexes with constructible cohomology
Section 59.77: Tor finite with constructible cohomology
Section 59.78: Torsion sheaves
Section 59.79: Cohomology with support in a closed subscheme
Section 59.80: Schemes with strictly henselian local rings
Section 59.81: Absolutely integrally closed vanishing
Section 59.82: Affine analog of proper base change
Section 59.83: Cohomology of torsion sheaves on curves
Section 59.84: Cohomology of torsion modules on curves
Section 59.85: First cohomology of proper schemes
Section 59.86: Preliminaries on base change
Section 59.87: Base change for pushforward
Section 59.88: Base change for higher direct images
Section 59.89: Smooth base change
Section 59.90: Applications of smooth base change
Section 59.91: The proper base change theorem
Section 59.92: Applications of proper base change
Section 59.93: Local acyclicity
Section 59.94: The cospecialization map
Section 59.95: Cohomological dimension
Section 59.96: Finite cohomological dimension
Section 59.97: Künneth in étale cohomology
Section 59.98: Comparing chaotic and Zariski topologies
Section 59.99: Comparing big and small topoi
Section 59.100: Comparing fppf and étale topologies
Section 59.101: Comparing fppf and étale topologies: modules
Section 59.102: Comparing ph and étale topologies
Section 59.103: Comparing h and étale topologies
Section 59.104: Descending étale sheaves
Section 59.105: Blow up squares and étale cohomology
Section 59.106: Almost blow up squares and the h topology
Section 59.107: Cohomology of the structure sheaf in the h topology