Theorem 59.61.6. Let K be a field with separable algebraic closure K^{sep}. The map \delta : \text{Br}(K) \to H^2(\text{Gal}(K^{sep}/K), (K^{sep})^*) defined above is a group isomorphism.
Sketch of proof. To prove that \delta defines a group homomorphism, i.e., that \delta (A \otimes _ K B) = \delta (A) + \delta (B), one computes directly with cocycles.
Injectivity of \delta . In the abelian case (d = 1), one has the identification
the latter of which is trivial by fpqc descent. If this were true in the non-abelian case, this would readily imply injectivity of \delta . (See [SGA4.5].) Rather, to prove this, one can reinterpret \delta ([A]) as the obstruction to the existence of a K-vector space V with a left A-module structure and such that \dim _ K V = \deg A. In the case where V exists, one has A \cong \text{End}_ K(V).
For surjectivity, pick a cohomology class \xi \in H^2(\text{Gal}(K^{sep}/K), (K^{sep})^*), then there exists a finite Galois extension K^{sep}/K'/K such that \xi is the image of some \xi ' \in H^2(\text{Gal}(K'|K), (K')^*). Then write down an explicit central simple algebra over K using the data K', \xi '. \square
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