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59.16 Faithfully flat descent

In this section we discuss faithfully flat descent for quasi-coherent modules. More precisely, we will prove quasi-coherent modules satisfy effective descent with respect to fpqc coverings.

Definition 59.16.1. Let \mathcal{U} = \{ t_ i : T_ i \to T\} _{i \in I} be a family of morphisms of schemes with fixed target. A descent datum for quasi-coherent sheaves with respect to \mathcal{U} is a collection ((\mathcal{F}_ i)_{i \in I}, (\varphi _{ij})_{i, j \in I}) where

  1. \mathcal{F}_ i is a quasi-coherent sheaf on T_ i, and

  2. \varphi _{ij} : \text{pr}_0^* \mathcal{F}_ i \to \text{pr}_1^* \mathcal{F}_ j is an isomorphism of modules on T_ i \times _ T T_ j,

such that the cocycle condition holds: the diagrams

\xymatrix{ \text{pr}_0^*\mathcal{F}_ i \ar[dr]_{\text{pr}_{02}^*\varphi _{ik}} \ar[rr]^{\text{pr}_{01}^*\varphi _{ij}} & & \text{pr}_1^*\mathcal{F}_ j \ar[dl]^{\text{pr}_{12}^*\varphi _{jk}} \\ & \text{pr}_2^*\mathcal{F}_ k }

commute on T_ i \times _ T T_ j \times _ T T_ k. This descent datum is called effective if there exist a quasi-coherent sheaf \mathcal{F} over T and \mathcal{O}_{T_ i}-module isomorphisms \varphi _ i : t_ i^* \mathcal{F} \cong \mathcal{F}_ i compatible with the maps \varphi _{ij}, namely

\varphi _{ij} = \text{pr}_1^* (\varphi _ j) \circ \text{pr}_0^* (\varphi _ i)^{-1}.

In this and the next section we discuss some ingredients of the proof of the following theorem, as well as some related material.

Theorem 59.16.2. If \mathcal{V} = \{ T_ i \to T\} _{i\in I} is an fpqc covering, then all descent data for quasi-coherent sheaves with respect to \mathcal{V} are effective.

Proof. See Descent, Proposition 35.5.2. \square

In other words, the fibered category of quasi-coherent sheaves is a stack on the fpqc site. The proof of the theorem is in two steps. The first one is to realize that for Zariski coverings this is easy (or well-known) using standard glueing of sheaves (see Sheaves, Section 6.33) and the locality of quasi-coherence. The second step is the case of an fpqc covering of the form \{ \mathop{\mathrm{Spec}}(B) \to \mathop{\mathrm{Spec}}(A)\} where A \to B is a faithfully flat ring map. This is a lemma in algebra, which we now present.

Descent of modules. If A \to B is a ring map, we consider the complex

(B/A)_\bullet : B \to B \otimes _ A B \to B \otimes _ A B \otimes _ A B \to \ldots

where B is in degree 0, B \otimes _ A B in degree 1, etc, and the maps are given by

\begin{eqnarray*} b & \mapsto & 1 \otimes b - b \otimes 1, \\ b_0 \otimes b_1 & \mapsto & 1 \otimes b_0 \otimes b_1 - b_0 \otimes 1 \otimes b_1 + b_0 \otimes b_1 \otimes 1, \\ & \text{etc.} \end{eqnarray*}

Lemma 59.16.3. If A \to B is faithfully flat, then the complex (B/A)_\bullet is exact in positive degrees, and H^0((B/A)_\bullet ) = A.

Proof. See Descent, Lemma 35.3.6. \square

Grothendieck proves this in three steps. Firstly, he assumes that the map A \to B has a section, and constructs an explicit homotopy to the complex where A is the only nonzero term, in degree 0. Secondly, he observes that to prove the result, it suffices to do so after a faithfully flat base change A \to A', replacing B with B' = B \otimes _ A A'. Thirdly, he applies the faithfully flat base change A \to A' = B and remark that the map A' = B \to B' = B \otimes _ A B has a natural section.

The same strategy proves the following lemma.

Lemma 59.16.4. If A \to B is faithfully flat and M is an A-module, then the complex (B/A)_\bullet \otimes _ A M is exact in positive degrees, and H^0((B/A)_\bullet \otimes _ A M) = M.

Proof. See Descent, Lemma 35.3.6. \square

Definition 59.16.5. Let A \to B be a ring map and N a B-module. A descent datum for N with respect to A \to B is an isomorphism \varphi : N \otimes _ A B \cong B \otimes _ A N of B \otimes _ A B-modules such that the diagram of B \otimes _ A B \otimes _ A B-modules

\xymatrix{ {N \otimes _ A B \otimes _ A B} \ar[dr]_{\varphi _{02}} \ar[rr]^{\varphi _{01}} & & {B \otimes _ A N \otimes _ A B} \ar[dl]^{\varphi _{12}} \\ & {B \otimes _ A B \otimes _ A N} }

commutes where \varphi _{01} = \varphi \otimes \text{id}_ B and similarly for \varphi _{12} and \varphi _{02}.

If N' = B \otimes _ A M for some A-module M, then it has a canonical descent datum given by the map

\begin{matrix} \varphi _\text {can}: & N' \otimes _ A B & \to & B \otimes _ A N' \\ & b_0 \otimes m \otimes b_1 & \mapsto & b_0 \otimes b_1 \otimes m. \end{matrix}

Definition 59.16.6. A descent datum (N, \varphi ) is called effective if there exists an A-module M such that (N, \varphi ) \cong (B \otimes _ A M, \varphi _\text {can}), with the obvious notion of isomorphism of descent data.

Theorem 59.16.2 is a consequence the following result.

Theorem 59.16.7. If A \to B is faithfully flat then descent data with respect to A\to B are effective.

Proof. See Descent, Proposition 35.3.9. See also Descent, Remark 35.3.11 for an alternative view of the proof. \square

Remarks 59.16.8. The results on descent of modules have several applications:

  1. The exactness of the Čech complex in positive degrees for the covering \{ \mathop{\mathrm{Spec}}(B) \to \mathop{\mathrm{Spec}}(A)\} where A \to B is faithfully flat. This will give some vanishing of cohomology.

  2. If (N, \varphi ) is a descent datum with respect to a faithfully flat map A \to B, then the corresponding A-module is given by

    M = \mathop{\mathrm{Ker}}\left( \begin{matrix} N & \longrightarrow & B \otimes _ A N \\ n & \longmapsto & 1 \otimes n - \varphi (n \otimes 1) \end{matrix} \right).

    See Descent, Proposition 35.3.9.

Comments (2)

Comment #6514 by Janos Kollar on

Small thing: in line 2 should "effect" be "effective"?

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