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The Stacks project

Argument taken from [Saltman-torsion].

Lemma 59.62.2. Let S be a scheme. Let \mathcal{A} be an Azumaya algebra which is locally free of rank d^2 over S. Then the class of \mathcal{A} in the Brauer group of S is annihilated by d.

Proof. Choose an étale covering \{ U_ i \to S\} and choose isomorphisms \mathcal{A}|_{U_ i} \to \mathop{\mathcal{H}\! \mathit{om}}\nolimits (\mathcal{F}_ i, \mathcal{F}_ i) for some locally free \mathcal{O}_{U_ i}-modules \mathcal{F}_ i of rank d. (We may assume \mathcal{F}_ i is free.) Consider the composition

p_ i : \mathcal{F}_ i^{\otimes d} \to \wedge ^ d(\mathcal{F}_ i) \to \mathcal{F}_ i^{\otimes d}

The first arrow is the usual projection and the second arrow is the isomorphism of the top exterior power of \mathcal{F}_ i with the submodule of sections of \mathcal{F}_ i^{\otimes d} which transform according to the sign character under the action of the symmetric group on d letters. Then p_ i^2 = d! p_ i and the rank of p_ i is 1. Using the given isomorphism \mathcal{A}|_{U_ i} \to \mathop{\mathcal{H}\! \mathit{om}}\nolimits (\mathcal{F}_ i, \mathcal{F}_ i) and the canonical isomorphism

\mathop{\mathcal{H}\! \mathit{om}}\nolimits (\mathcal{F}_ i, \mathcal{F}_ i)^{\otimes d} = \mathop{\mathcal{H}\! \mathit{om}}\nolimits (\mathcal{F}_ i^{\otimes d}, \mathcal{F}_ i^{\otimes d})

we may think of p_ i as a section of \mathcal{A}^{\otimes d} over U_ i. We claim that p_ i|_{U_ i \times _ S U_ j} = p_ j|_{U_ i \times _ S U_ j} as sections of \mathcal{A}^{\otimes d}. Namely, applying Lemma 59.62.1 we obtain an invertible sheaf \mathcal{L}_{ij} and a canonical isomorphism

\mathcal{F}_ i|_{U_ i \times _ S U_ j} \otimes \mathcal{L}_{ij} \longrightarrow \mathcal{F}_ j|_{U_ i \times _ S U_ j}.

Using this isomorphism we see that p_ i maps to p_ j. Since \mathcal{A}^{\otimes d} is a sheaf on S_{\acute{e}tale} (Proposition 59.17.1) we find a canonical global section p \in \Gamma (S, \mathcal{A}^{\otimes d}). A local calculation shows that

\mathcal{H} = \mathop{\mathrm{Im}}(\mathcal{A}^{\otimes d} \to \mathcal{A}^{\otimes d}, f \mapsto fp)

is a locally free module of rank d^ d and that (left) multiplication by \mathcal{A}^{\otimes d} induces an isomorphism \mathcal{A}^{\otimes d} \to \mathop{\mathcal{H}\! \mathit{om}}\nolimits (\mathcal{H}, \mathcal{H}). In other words, \mathcal{A}^{\otimes d} is the trivial element of the Brauer group of S as desired. \square

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