Remark 64.15.10. Let us try to illustrate the content of the formula of Lemma 64.15.8. Suppose that \Lambda , viewed as a trivial \Gamma -module, admits a finite resolution 0\to P_ r\to \ldots \to P_1 \to P_0\to \Lambda \to 0 by some \Lambda [\Gamma ]-modules P_ i which are finite and projective as \Lambda [G]-modules. In that case
Therefore, Lemma 64.15.8 says
This can be interpreted as a point count on the stack BG. If \Lambda = \mathbf{F}_\ell with \ell prime to \# G, then H_*(G, \Lambda ) is \mathbf{F}_\ell in degree 0 (and 0 in other degrees) and the formula reads
This is in some sense a “trivial” trace formula for G. Later we will see that ( can in some cases be viewed as a highly nontrivial trace formula for a certain type of group, see Section 64.30.
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