The Stacks project

History of tag 0484

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type time link
changed the proof 2013-08-03 dba86b5
pell check: words starting with n, o, p, q, r, N, O, P, Q, or R
changed the proof 2011-08-10 65ce54f
LaTeX: \Spec

	Introduced the macro

	\def\Spec{\mathop{\rm Spec}}

	and changed all the occurences of \text{Spec} into \Spec.
changed the proof 2011-06-12 d966755
Example non-noetherian singleton stack

	Thanks to David Rydh
moved the statement to file spaces-more-morphisms.tex 2011-06-10 52c6ad3
Decent Algebraic Spaces

	Created a new chapter "Decent Algebraic Spaces" and moved most
	of the material on local conditions of algebraic spaces in
	there. In the next few commits we will fix the breakage that this

	The reason for the move is that this material is difficult to
	understand for the beginner and that most of the other material
	in Properties of Spaces and Morphisms of Spaces is easier and
	more analogous to what happens for schemes.

	An added advantage is that we can use results on morphisms of
	algebraic spaces in the new chapter, hence it becomes easier to
	develop the theory of decent spaces.
changed the statement and the proof 2011-06-10 52c6ad3
Decent Algebraic Spaces

	Created a new chapter "Decent Algebraic Spaces" and moved most
	of the material on local conditions of algebraic spaces in
	there. In the next few commits we will fix the breakage that this

	The reason for the move is that this material is difficult to
	understand for the beginner and that most of the other material
	in Properties of Spaces and Morphisms of Spaces is easier and
	more analogous to what happens for schemes.

	An added advantage is that we can use results on morphisms of
	algebraic spaces in the new chapter, hence it becomes easier to
	develop the theory of decent spaces.
changed the proof 2010-10-09 2b090dd
End conversion of etale to \'etale.
assigned tag 0484 2010-02-20 677b58a
Tags: Added new tags
created statement with label lemma-when-universally-injective-radicial in spaces-morphisms.tex 2010-02-20 2a14202
Morphisms of Spaces: Radicial morphisms

	We define them according to a suggestion by David Rydh. Then we
	show that a decent morphism is radicial if and only if it is
	universally injective.