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76 More on Morphisms of Spaces
Section 76.1: Introduction
Section 76.2: Conventions
Section 76.3: Radicial morphisms
Section 76.4: Monomorphisms
Section 76.5: Conormal sheaf of an immersion
Section 76.6: The normal cone of an immersion
Section 76.7: Sheaf of differentials of a morphism
Section 76.8: Topological invariance of the étale site
Section 76.9: Thickenings
Section 76.10: Morphisms of thickenings
Section 76.11: Picard groups of thickenings
Section 76.12: First order infinitesimal neighbourhood
Section 76.13: Formally smooth, étale, unramified transformations
Section 76.14: Formally unramified morphisms
Section 76.15: Universal first order thickenings
Section 76.16: Formally étale morphisms
Section 76.17: Infinitesimal deformations of maps
Section 76.18: Infinitesimal deformations of algebraic spaces
Section 76.19: Formally smooth morphisms
Section 76.20: Smoothness over a Noetherian base
Section 76.21: The naive cotangent complex
Section 76.22: Openness of the flat locus
Section 76.23: Critère de platitude par fibres
Section 76.24: Flatness over a Noetherian base
Section 76.25: Normalization revisited
Lemma 76.25.1
Lemma 76.25.2: Normalization commutes with smooth base change
Section 76.26: Cohen-Macaulay morphisms
Section 76.27: Gorenstein morphisms
Section 76.28: Slicing Cohen-Macaulay morphisms
Section 76.29: Reduced fibres
Section 76.30: Connected components of fibres
Section 76.31: Dimension of fibres
Section 76.32: Catenary algebraic spaces
Section 76.33: Étale localization of morphisms
Section 76.34: Zariski's Main Theorem
Section 76.35: Applications of Zariski's Main Theorem, I
Section 76.36: Stein factorization
Section 76.37: Extending properties from an open
Section 76.38: Blowing up and flatness
Section 76.39: Applications
Section 76.40: Chow's lemma
Section 76.41: Variants of Chow's Lemma
Section 76.42: Grothendieck's existence theorem
Section 76.43: Grothendieck's algebraization theorem
Section 76.44: Regular immersions
Section 76.45: Relative pseudo-coherence
Section 76.46: Pseudo-coherent morphisms
Section 76.47: Perfect morphisms
Section 76.48: Local complete intersection morphisms
Section 76.49: When is a morphism an isomorphism?
Section 76.50: Exact sequences of differentials and conormal sheaves
Section 76.51: Characterizing pseudo-coherent complexes, II
Section 76.52: Relatively perfect objects
Section 76.53: Theorem of the cube
Section 76.54: Descent of finiteness properties of complexes
Section 76.55: Families of nodal curves
Section 76.56: The resolution property
Section 76.57: Blowing up and the resolution property