Lemma 76.18.3. Let S be a scheme. Consider a commutative diagram
of thickenings of algebraic spaces over S. Assume B \subset B' is a finite order thickening, X' flat over B', X = B \times _{B'} X', and Y = B \times _{B'} Y'. Then
f is representable if and only if f' is representable,
f is flat if and only if f' is flat,
f is an isomorphism if and only if f' is an isomorphism,
f is an open immersion if and only if f' is an open immersion,
f is quasi-compact if and only if f' is quasi-compact,
f is universally closed if and only if f' is universally closed,
f is (quasi-)separated if and only if f' is (quasi-)separated,
f is a monomorphism if and only if f' is a monomorphism,
f is surjective if and only if f' is surjective,
f is universally injective if and only if f' is universally injective,
f is affine if and only if f' is affine,
f is locally of finite type if and only if f' is locally of finite type,
f is locally quasi-finite if and only if f' is locally quasi-finite,
f is locally of finite presentation if and only if f' is locally of finite presentation,
f is locally of finite type of relative dimension d if and only if f' is locally of finite type of relative dimension d,
f is universally open if and only if f' is universally open,
f is syntomic if and only if f' is syntomic,
f is smooth if and only if f' is smooth,
f is unramified if and only if f' is unramified,
f is étale if and only if f' is étale,
f is proper if and only if f' is proper,
f is integral if and only if f' is integral,
f is finite if and only if f' is finite,
f is finite locally free (of rank d) if and only if f' is finite locally free (of rank d), and
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