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Lemma 76.29.5. Let X be an algebraic space over a discrete valuation ring R whose structure morphism X \to \mathop{\mathrm{Spec}}(R) is proper and flat. If the special fibre is reduced, then both X and the generic fibre X_\eta are reduced.

Proof. Choose an étale morphism U \to X where U is an affine scheme. Then U is of finite type over R. Let u \in U be in the special fibre. The local ring A = \mathcal{O}_{U, u} is essentially of finite type over R, hence Noetherian. Let \pi \in R be a uniformizer. Since X is flat over R, we see that \pi \in \mathfrak m_ A is a nonzerodivisor on A and since the special fibre of X is reduced, we have that A/\pi A is reduced. If a \in A, a \not= 0 then there exists an n \geq 0 and an element a' \in A such that a = \pi ^ n a' and a' \not\in \pi A. This follows from Krull intersection theorem (Algebra, Lemma 10.51.4). If a is nilpotent, so is a', because \pi is a nonzerodivisor. But a' maps to a nonzero element of the reduced ring A/\pi A so this is impossible. Hence A is reduced. It follows that there exists an open neighbourhood of u in U which is reduced (small detail omitted; use that U is Noetherian). Thus we can find an étale morphism U \to X with U a reduced scheme, such that every point of the special fibre of X is in the image. Since X is proper over R it follows that U \to X is surjective. Hence X is reduced. Since the generic fibre of U \to \mathop{\mathrm{Spec}}(R) is reduced as well (on affine pieces it is computed by taking localizations), we conclude the same thing is true for the generic fibre. \square

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